Saturday, March 9, 2013

Easter Minis Are Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow is Easter mini day and I'm so excited!!  I have six sets of kiddos coming throughout the day for a total of 15!  It's going to be a lot of fun.  Keep an eye out for some sneak peeks later in the day tomorrow.  In the meantime, enjoy this...

This is my cousin's girls.  While I did not take
this picture, I greatly admire the work of the
wonderful photographer who did.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Well, I guess I have to admit it...I'm a PROP-A-HOLIC!  Tee Hee.  Everywhere I go, I end up looking at things and thinking how I can use it as a prop!

I did do some dedicated shopping and got my new backdrop to use for Easter pictures, the upcoming Tink cake smash and a pretty little girl portraits.

Oh to have an unlimited budget!  The two next things on my desire list?  A fire hydrant for fireman scenes and an old fashioned looking gas pump to go with this jalopy.  :)

Have a blessed week everyone!