Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can't Stop the Fun!

What to do when it's freezing rain out and cabin fever has set in...why take photos of course!!

Love that bear!

Changed it to sepia with a soft focus.

More next time....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gallery Wraps

Did you know we sell Gallery Wraps? Gallery Wraps are portraits on canvas and board stretched tight that can be hung directly on the wall with no frame needed. We have these available in sizes from 8 x 10 all the way up to HUGE with everything in between and of course at as reasonable prices as we can get them for you. Contact us today at to find out more!

Monday, January 11, 2010

To Share

Author: Unknown
by James Metcalfe

A photograph is more than just
A gift to bring or send.
And more than just the likeness of
A relative or friend.

It is a kindly greeting and
A memory to hold.
Of happy times and pleasant things.
However new or old.

It is a mirror that reflects
Companionship and cheer.
And now and then the wistfulness
That turns into a tear.

A photograph is something to
Adorn a desk or wall.
Or carry in a pocket and
Display to one and all.

It is a faithful portrait
The smile that friendship shares
To add its sunshine and to sho
That someone really cares.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Work style

Recently a potential customer asked me how I "work" with children. A little confused I asked them to explain what they were looking for. After finding out they wanted to know how I get good "heartprints" from kids who are scared or just flat out don't want any part of posing, I explained that my style is to try to start out with some fun, take some casual play shots, mix in a little posing and return back to FUN! It is so much easier to get a great smile from a youngster when we are playing and I'm not intimidating to them with a camera stuck in my face. Do I maybe miss some smiles, yes, probably so, but that's okay...everyone has had fun and I got plenty of others. Here's a photo from my personal collection to share with you. I'm awaiting new props and backgrounds and will post samples from our little models we will be using in a few weeks.Isn't he just ADORABLE with his blankie???