Thursday, February 28, 2013


It has been a very long time since I posted on this blog.  I had kind of grown weary of messing with it.  Well today, after doing a Google Image search for Tinker Bell pictures (I have a first birthday cake smash Tink themed coming up and was searching for ideas for props), I was scrollling along and stopped after about an inch down the scroll bar and page....there was one of MY images.  That is the first time that has ever happened and I actually felt pretty proud of myself (it wasn't really all that great of an image but I was astonished to see it).  The link lead back to this blog.  This made me feel like maybe I need to go back to keeping this other form of communication more active rather than just relying on Facebook.

So I'm back and will try to update regularly (pray I remember).  You can always follow on Facebook (Amtrad Heartprints), but there will probably more of a story to tell on sessions here.  I feel a little more at ease when I type here than I do on FB.

God bless you all and thanks for hanging in there with me through this crazy adventure that I love dearly.  :)

Posting just a couple of recents to get things flowing again...